Random ====== Methods relating to generating random numbers. ---- Random ------ ``` function Random: Double;' ``` ---- Random ------ ``` function Random(l: Int64): Int64; ``` ---- Random ------ ``` function Random(min, max: Int64): Int64; ``` ``` function Random(min, max: Double): Double; ``` ---- RandSeed -------- ``` var RandSeed: UInt32; ``` The random seed used for all random number generation. ---- RandCutoff ---------- ``` var RandCutoff: Double; ``` Cutoff for `RandomLeft`, `RandomRight`, `RandomMode`, `RandomMean` ---- RandomCenterTPA --------------- ``` function RandomCenterTPA(Amount: Integer; Box: TBox): TPointArray; ``` Generates random points in `Box` weighted towards the center. ---- RandomTPA --------- ``` function RandomTPA(Amount: Integer; Box: TBox): TPointArray; ``` Generates random points in `Box`. ---- RandomShapes ------------ ``` function RandomShapes(Amount: Integer; ShapesPerRow: Integer = 0; RandScale: Single = 0.5; RandRotate: Single = 0.1): TSimbaImage; ``` Generates an image with x of random shapes. ```{note} Assign a value to `RandSeed` for a constant output of random shapes. ``` ---- RandomLeft ---------- ``` function RandomLeft(Lo, Hi: Double): Double; ``` ``` function RandomLeft(Lo, Hi: Int64): Int64; ``` Generates a random number between `Lo` and `Hi` weighted towards `Lo` ---- RandomRight ----------- ``` function RandomRight(Lo, Hi: Double): Double; ``` ``` function RandomRight(Lo, Hi: Int64): Int64; ``` Generates a random number between `Lo` and `Hi` weighted towards `Hi` ---- RandomMean ---------- ``` function RandomMean(Lo, Hi: Double): Double; ``` ``` function RandomMean(Lo, Hi: Int64): Int64; ``` Generates a random number between `Lo` and `Hi` weighted towards the mean of Lo,Hi ---- RandomMode ---------- ``` function RandomMode(Mode, Lo, Hi: Double): Double; ``` ``` function RandomMode(Mode, Lo, Hi: Int64): Int64; ``` Generates a random number between `Lo` and `Hi` weighted torwards `Mode` ---- GaussRand --------- ``` function GaussRand(Mean, Dev: Double): Double; ``` Generates a random gaussian/normal number. ---- Randomize --------- ``` procedure Randomize; ``` Generates a new `RandSeed`