XPBar ===== Methods to interact with the XP bar. ------------ XPBar.Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSXPBar.Setup(); override; Initializes **XPBar** variables. .. note:: This is automatically called on the **XPBar** variable. ------------ XPBar.IsEnabled ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSXPBar.IsEnabled(): Boolean; Checks if the XPBar circle is enabled. Example ------- .. code-block:: pascal WriteLn XPBar.IsEnabled(); ------------ XPBar.Enable ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSXPBar.Enable(): Boolean; Enables the XPBar by clicking the XPBar circle. Example ------- .. code-block:: pascal if not XPBar.IsEnabled() then WriteLn XPBar.Enable(); ------------ XPBar._Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure TRSXPBar._Setup(); Internal method automatically called by SRL once when attempting to read the XPBar. ------------ XPBar.Read ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSXPBar.Read(): Int32; Reads the XP in the XPBar. Example ------- .. code-block:: pascal WriteLn XPBar.Read(); ------------ XPBar.IsOpen ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSXPBar.IsOpen(): Boolean; Checks if the XPBar is open. Keep in mind interfaces and things that cover the xp bar, might make this return false. Example ------- .. code-block:: pascal WriteLn XPBar.IsOpen(); ------------ XPBar.Open ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function TRSXPBar.Open(): Boolean; Attempts to open the XPBar if it's not open. Example ------- .. code-block:: pascal if not XPBar.IsOpen() then WriteLn XPBar.Open(); ------------ var XPBar ~~~~~~~~~ Global XPBar variable. ------------