
Codetools provides multiple tools to aid programming in Simba.


Some customization is available in Simba’s settings. Settings > Code Tools

Completion box

Control + Space or typing . will open the completion box, which shows all available declarations.


Parameter hints

Control + Shift + Space or typing ( will open parameter hints, to show what parameters are required for the method(s).


Jump to declaration

Control + mouse click will jump to the declaration.


If the declaration is a simba method (or a plugin) the declaration will be printed in the output.


IDE directives

IDE directives are similar to compiler directives. They are enclosed by curly brackets with an opening percentage sign. For example:

{% ide_directive}

The compiler sees them simply as comments which it ignores.


  • Enable or disable codetools the nope procedure does not show in the function list.

{%codetools off}
{%codetools on}


Insert an “anchor” into the function list to mark named sections and such.

{%anchor hello}