A version of a KDTree for n dimensional vectors (each a float).
An Item is described as
TKDItem = record
Ref: Int32;
Vector: TSingleArray;
Where you can use Ref for example as a reference to the initial array before the tree itself was built.
Ref can also be used as a label / category to differentiate between various types of vectors in the tree, this can be further used alongside the methods:
function TKDTree.KNearestClassify(Vector: TSingleArray; K: Int32): Int32;
function TKDTree.WeightedKNearestClassify(Vector: TSingleArray; K: Int32): Int32;
Which means you can build a simple kNN system to classify objects.
Note: For a simpeler tree structure for 2D points, look into TSlackTree
Exposed methods so far
function TKDTree.RefArray(): TKDNodeRefArray;
function TKDTree.GetItem(i:Int32): PKDNode;
function TKDTree.InitBranch(): Int32;
function TKDTree.Copy(): TKDTree;
procedure TKDTree.Init(const AData: TKDItems);
function TKDTree.IndexOf(const Value: TSingleArray): Int32;
function TKDTree.KNearest(Vector: TSingleArray; K: Int32; NotEqual: Boolean = False): TKDItems;
function TKDTree.RangeQuery(Low, High: TSingleArray): TKDItems;
function TKDTree.RangeQueryEx(Center: TSingleArray; Radii: TSingleArray; Hide: Boolean): TKDItems;
function TKDTree.KNearestClassify(Vector: TSingleArray; K: Int32): Int32;
function TKDTree.WeightedKNearestClassify(Vector: TSingleArray; K: Int32): Int32;
function TKDTree.Clusters(Radii: TSingleArray): T2DKDItems;
procedure TKDTree.Init(const AData: TKDItems);
Builds the KDTree.
Time complexity average is O(n log n)
function TKDTree.Create(const AData: TKDItems): TKDTree; static;
Same as Init, just as a constructor to allow simplified usage as seen in the example:
function TKDTree.Create(const FileName: string): TKDTree; static;
Constructs the KDTree from a compatible KDTree file.
function TKDTree.SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; static;
Writes the KDTree to a binary file, so that you dont have to rebuild it. Should return True on success
function TKDTree.KNearestClassify(Vector: TSingleArray; K: Int32): Int32;
function TKDTree.WeightedKNearestClassify(Vector: TSingleArray; K: Int32): Int32;
Finds the most frequent Ref (classification label) among the K-nearest neighbors of a given vector.
This function uses a KD-Tree to efficiently find the K-nearest neighbors and then determines the most common Ref value among those neighbors. It assumes that Ref values are integers within a contiguous range [0..x]. This allows for efficient counting of Ref occurrences using a dynamic array.
Parameters: Vector: The point (TSingleArray) for which to find the K-nearest neighbors and classify. K: The number of nearest neighbors to consider.
Returns: The most frequent Ref value (an integer) among the K-nearest neighbors. Returns -1 if no neighbors are found (e.g., an empty tree or K=0).
Average Time Complexity: O(log n * log k) Worst Case Time Complexity: O(n)
Where: n is the number of nodes in the KD-Tree. k is the number of nearest neighbors to consider (K).
The time complexity is typically closer to O(log n) when K is significantly smaller than n.
WeightedKNearestClassify is the same as KNearestClassify except we weight the output towards our Vector so that closer vectors in the tree is slightly higher valued.
function TKDTree.Clusters(Radii: TSingleArray): T2DKDItems;
Like TPA.Cluster, a spatial clustering algorithm that clusters vectors based on proximity to each neigbor, but acts on the vectors in the tree, works in n dimensions.
Note that Radii must match the dimensions of the kd-tree, which was decided by the input.
Time complexity average is between O(n) and O(n log n)